A big thanks to all our recent donors!
A big thanks to all our recent donors!
Our organization is dedicated to providing hope and opportunities to our athletes. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to live a fulfilling life to the highest level of their independence. Our playground design was the first step - play should build strength, spark creativity, develop problem solving skills, and above all PLAY SHOULD SUPPORT INDEPENDENCE. The next step is to provide employment opportunities. This will be our CEED program!
The Center for Entrepreneurship and Education for people with Disabilities (CEED) will be looking for interested individuals to help us run the concession stand during the seasons. This will be an employment opportunity for our athletes. Whether you have a few hours to spare or want to make a long-term commitment, employment opportunities will be available for our athletes. Stay tuned for more details regarding this and other exciting employment opportunities.
The Miracle League of the Northern Ohio Valley Panhandle
621 Market Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
Email : info@miracleleaguenovp.com