A big thanks to all our recent donors!
A big thanks to all our recent donors!
The Miracle League of the Northern Ohio Valley Panhandle is an inclusive program that provides the opportunity for individuals, starting from the age of 5 and up, to learn the fundamentals of baseball and to play baseball. The Miracle League of the Northern Ohio Valley Panhandle serves not only individuals with special needs but also their families, friends, and support staff. The tri-county community of players, families, and volunteers work together toward a common mission: to provide the opportunity for individuals of all abilities the chance to learn and play the game of baseball.
Organization of Players
Miracle Division (non-competitive) - Everyone hits, runs the bases, scores, games end in a tie
Advanced Skills Division (competitive) - We teach teamwork, sportsmanship, and some baseball rules and skills. Outs can happen (no strikeouts). Games can end in a win or a loss. Teams practice once a week. Although we keep score, the results don't matter and we don't keep standings.
Basic Differences between leagues:
Miracle Divisions
Advanced Skills Divisions
This is a brief overview regarding the rules of play to learn more please click the Find Out More link below.
The Miracle League of the Northern Ohio Valley Panhandle
621 Market Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
Email : info@miracleleaguenovp.com
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